February 2nd Grooming Report--Groundhog Day!

February 2nd Grooming Report

Groundhog Day!

Well, technically groundhogs don’t live in Wyoming although they are actually a member of the marmot family being designated Marmota monax.  If our native Yellow-bellied marmot (Marmota flaviventris) was to venture out today, he would not have seen his shadow.  Early spring?   A warm dry Wyoming winter can transition to a snow monster in the blink of an eye and if your eye has been focusing on the latest forecasts, snow is heading our way for the foreseeable future with a winter weather advisory for the near future.

While we’re speaking of adorable critters, Cranky the Moose has been generating a bit of conversation in our local Nordic community.  He was spotted today in the Animal Farm area, hanging with some of his buds, the grooming department is happy to report that he seems to be settling down to winter at Trail Creek and was more interested in trimming the shrubbery than chasing the Husky.

As to grooming, that was happening as well today.  There was actually an initial pass with the Ginzu, the two missions being placing the remaining signs and grooming through the Mug’s Meadow gate.  Hot in its tail, the Husky made the rounds today as well, covering pretty much every trail.  With mostly crisp classic tracks already existing and freshly falling snow, the focus was on skate lanes except for the narrow sections.  As of report time about a half inch has fallen and is continuing to fall.  Skiing should be fun in the fresh snow.

Groomer’s choice for today is Moose Loop.