February 1st Grooming Report--Pure and Pristine!

February 1st Grooming Report

Pure and Pristine!

Overnight Trail Creek has been blanketed with 5-8 inches of some of the best Wyoming snow you’ll ever find!  After a several week drought, the hard working snow that has been keeping us going has been designated to the growing base category, leaving the job of direct support of your skis to the new powder.  It looks like this is just the beginning as the forecast continues to call for lots of snow.

Today’s Husky grooming began with a journey through the woods, touching on every trail.  On canted sections the priority was moving snow from the high side to the low side, but every trail received a fresh classic track on the morning’s pass.  Grooming then shifted to the fields with a single pass through the East Fields and multiple passes in the Close Field.

Trails are slightly narrower today because of the storm, but there’s still plenty of room for classic or skate skiers.  Conditions are a bit on the soft side, but think of it as buttery and lovely, and enjoy a day in the woods in the ongoing snow storm!

Groomer’s choice for today is Shades of Gray.