February 14th Grooming Report--Happy Valentine’s Day!

February 14th Grooming Report

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Thanks to Coach Kirsys for sending in some photos of the Tuesday-Thursday Teewinots enjoying some fresh snow while celebrating Valentine’s Day early, that fresh snow not slowing them down one bit as they cruised around Trail Creek yesterday. 

You too can have a great cruise on your skis around Trail Creek if you can make it out today.  The Husky has been hard at work, deflating the 4-6 inches of pretty light new snow since yesterday’s grooming.  The focus continues to be the Moose Chase course with at least a single skate/classic pass on the course and warm up areas with multiple passes on Armin’s and throughout the fields.  While things might be just a smidge soft, all in all, it’s a great day to ski.

The forecast has a winter storm warning beginning tonight and is calling for 12-17 inches of snow between now and the start of the race on Saturday.  However, snow tapers off Friday afternoon which should allow for an evening groom and fast and fantastic conditions on Saturday; get those registrations in!

Groomer’s Choice for today is the Moose Chase course.