February 13th Grooming Report-Skiing Everywhere!

February 13th Grooming Report

Skiing Everywhere!

The image above was taken earlier this week part way up the side of Shadow Mountain.  After a little bit of snow it looks like we will have many more awesome sunny days like this coming up where the entire valley will be your Nordic oyster.

Skiing is truly going on nearly everywhere possible today.  Coach and Nordic Professional Rainer Kenny is the person in charge of this week’s USCSA race at Trail Creek and by all accounts things are going great.  Looking to our own JHSC athletes some respectable finishes have been recorded at Kincaid Park in Anchorage, Alaska.  Racing is ongoing later today and results can be viewed here.  Trail Creek racing will be live today at this link and Alaska racing should be live later on either link 1 or link 2.

The next scheduled grooming for Trail Creek is a Thursday early morning groom of the field trails and many woods trails.  Thursday is a practice day for USCSA athletes so all trails will be open to the public.

Groomer’s choice for today is to watch the race at Trail Creek and ski some to boot.