December 7th Grooming Report-Waiting for Snow!

December 7th Grooming Report

Waiting for Snow!

You could just be sitting around, wasting your time, waiting for the big dump to arrive or you could be like the skier above, or a pretty good crowd of others who grabbed their skis, headed to Trail Creek, and got in a great ski this morning.

Snow is still definitely on the way, if you are a weather geek a great link was received in response to yesterday’s grooming report that has tons of information available at Snow Avalanche Guidance; the current forecast is in the 6-18 inch range depending on how it all falls.  Assuming this comes to be, look for Pisten Bully grooming tomorrow morning beginning about 9 AM with first passes in the Black Hole/Boiler area as part of the agenda.

Today’s grooming was a Ginzu buff of skate lanes on pretty much every trail that has been groomed so far this year.  As of 10 AM the temperature is -3ºC/27ºF with cloudy skies and calm winds.  Skiers report fast conditions and as long as you dodge a few obstacles, good skiing.  As a reminder the only classic tracks are in the close field.

An elk herd has moved in with a young rag horn being photogenic enough to get a relatively close image for elk which are much more skittish than moose.

Groomer’s choice for today a couple of laps around the close field and then up and back to Homesite.