December 4th Grooming Report--Welcome Back!

December 4th Grooming Report

Welcome Back!

Finally the snow has been falling, and the fields and forests of Trail Creek are beginning to take on a winter vibe.  A word of caution however, conditions are very thin, don’t get in too much of a hurry to ramp up your Nordic game to max quite yet.

Over the summer and fall lots of work has been done on the trails, the equipment is poised and ready to roll (including our brand new Ski Doo snowmobile above), and we are itching to move everything into high gear at Trail Creek.  In the past few days the close field, Woolsey Woods, Homeward and Outward Bound, Moose Loop, and parts of Armin’s have been rolled several times.  That being said, overnight rains and warm conditions have resulted in very soft and thin conditions.  We have had a few skaters out making reasonable progress but a careful tour in the woods on your classic skis might be the choice of the day.

Be patient and pray for snow and hopefully soon our Husky will be setting pristine tracks everywhere.  Grooming could be a bit sporadic over the next few days depending on what conditions come our way.  If a report comes out, grooming will have happened.  We are holding off posting on Nordic Pulse until our base becomes a bit more stable.

If you haven’t seen it yet, check out the December Nordic Newsletter with lots of information about what’s coming up at this website.

Groomer’s choice for today is a classic cruise through the woods.