December 30th Grooming Report--Guiding the News and Guide

December 30th Grooming Report

Guiding the News and Guide!

The word is apparently out that we have a new Prinoth Husky careening around our trails and as Jackson Hole News and guide got that word, they wanted to come check it out for themselves.  Intern Reed Mattison stopped by this morning to see the Husky in action, look for a feature in next week’s Wednesday edition of the weekly.

Today’s feature is that another 4-6 inches of snow has blanketed the trails of Trail Creek.  However, our new Husky on its adventurous tour of the ski tracks today did a bang up job of whipping things into shape.  Most every trail except for the East Fields received at least one pass with classic tracks on around 65% of the trails. 

While there was a pretty good morning crowd today, this afternoon’s venue is a little lighter than usual with only the Prep/Comp team practicing.  Look for late afternoons to get quite busy next week as all programs, even the littlest ones, will be on snow beginning Monday.

Groomer’s choice for today is Moose Loop.