December 29th Grooming Report--Impressive Cornice!

December 29th Grooming Report

Impressive Cornice!

All the heavy snow of recent days, coupled with some pretty warm temps today has resulted in an impressive cornice hanging on the side of the cabin at Trail Creek this morning.  The other side slid completely off yesterday; it would not be advisable to linger under this side today.

However, you would be more than welcome to linger on our ski trails today, if that is your desire.  What you will discover is that the Husky has been at it once again, deflating the most recent snowy additions to our trails.  Since yesterday’s grooming 4-5 inches of snow have fallen and with the temps right around freezing, it has been very heavy but compactible snow, perfect for snowmen if you are so inclined.

The Close Field received multiple passes with fresh classic tracks while the woods trails mostly all received a single skate/classic pass.  Conditions are beautiful, if a little soft.  Looking ahead at the forecast, another big shot is headed our way overnight with more throughout the week, it just keeps on coming!

Groomer’s choice for today is the Close Field.