December 29th Grooming Report-Great Race, Great Bonfire, Busy Day!

December 29th Grooming Report

Great Race, Great Bonfire, Busy Day!

Pictured below are racers whom are believed to be the male and female winners of the 2019 Betty Woolsey Classic Race.  Click on the preceding link for all the results and you can click on the images below of Cirque Gammelin and Birch Klomparens to see larger images of each of these speedy racers, the male and female 10 K division winners. 


All in all the. race was a great event with good attendance and racers spanning nearly 80 years in age.  Look for more great images in the days to come.

One of the most unusual things about the race was the carcass on the course on the Olympic section.  You can click on the image above for a larger look, but it appears as if a deer was killed before the last snow and a coyote dragged the remnants of the carcass onto the course sometime Friday night after grooming.  Just a little extra excitement for the racers!

As if a signature race wasn’t enough, we finished the day with a great bonfire.  A good crowd attended with adults toasting in front of the fire and the kids doing crazy ski and sledding things around the close field, a good time was had by all.  If you missed it, make sure you put it on your calendar for next year.

Today at Trail Creek fresh grooming was in full force as well with trails being rerouted to pre-Betty Woolsey configurations.  Almost every trail received double Pisten Bully passes with fresh classic tracks.  12:45 PM conditions are cloudy, calm, very light snowfall, with a temperature of -12ºC/10ºF.

Groomer’s choice for today is to ski the newly groomed trails in the woods.