December 24th Grooming Report--Christmas Eve Skiers!

December 24th Grooming Report

Christmas Eve Skiers!

What better thing to do on Christmas Eve then grab your skis and prepay that fantastic food you’re going to experience in the next few days; if you do have time in your schedule for a Nordic ski, Trail Creek would be a great place to make that happen today!

Today’s grooming was a little on the light side as we are conserving snow for Saturday’s Betty Woolsey race.  The close field actually had a little drifting overnight so it received double Pisten Bully passes with fresh classic tracks.  The rest of the Betty Woolsey course received best line Ginzu skate grooming.  Most classic tracks are in good shape today.  Look for light grooming in the fields in the morning with grooming for the Betty Woolsey tomorrow evening.

Most of the signs went out today as well.  Make sure to register for Saturday’s Betty Woolsey classic race.  We are following Covid safe procedures so you should still be able to come on out and have a good time.  Registration is online only and available through this link.

Groomer’s choice for today is to ski the Betty Woolsey course.