December 23rd Grooming Report-You Want to be a Coach?!

December 23rd Grooming Report

You Want to be a Coach?!

While your perception of ski coaches might not rank them up in the neighborhood of Noble Laureates, you might be surprised to learn that they really do have to have a brain to do their job taking care of our next generation.  Click on the image above and you will be directed to the complicated process involved in becoming a certified coach which all of our coaches are required to become.  If you really want to learn more you can click here and spend the holiday break reading about all the levels of certification that you to could do if you want to become a fully certified Nordic professional.  We do really try to take the best care of our youth.

Today at Trail Creek we are really trying to make sure that your Nordic skiing experience is as good as possible.  All trails received Pisten Bully best line skate grooming and all trails in the fields received new double PB classic tracks as well.  The classic tracks in the woods are a bit variable and mostly waiting for new snow which is forecast to happen on Christmas Eve and will hopefully be in the half foot range.  As of 11:15 conditions are calm, cloudy, and with a temperature of -6ºC/21ºF.

As soon as the snow begins to fall grooming will concentrate on the Betty Woolsey Course, the route of which will be posted tomorrow.  We are looking at a nice gentle 10K cruise through the fields and woods.  Grooming on Christmas day will happen, but might not get started until mid morning, never fear; you’ll still have time to take those brand new skis for a spin.

Groomer’s choice for today is Woolsey Woods.