December 22nd Grooming Report --Working Hard on the Betty Woolsey!

December 22nd Grooming Report

Working Hard on the Betty Woolsey!

It’s time to start thinking seriously about Saturday’s Betty Woolsey Classic Race.  Clicking on the previous link will take you to the race course page where you will find all the information along with links to register.  As you’ve surely noticed, we are in a pandemic so there will be some major changes this year to allow us to still have a race.  The details are on the website but important points are that registration is online only, it will be a 30 second interval start format, the first start will be at 10 AM, and masking and social distancing are required when not racing.

With all that being said, you’ll still have the opportunity to come out for a fun classic race and see how you did compared to your friends.  Racers will receive a start time so show up a few minutes early and take a nice long cruise around Trail Creek, as fast as you can go if that’s your thing.

The weather has been rather bizarre for December with temps above 40ºF first thing this morning.  Since then the temperature has been slowly dropping and some serious snow fall has begun along with some moderate winds.  Trails were surprisingly icy for December but the combination of Pisten Bully grooming and fresh snow should snap things back into shape.

The Pisten Bully’s mission for today was a best line skate pass through the Betty Woolsey Course with additional grooming in the fields.  In order to facilitate the compaction of the recently groomed East Fields, multiple passes were made along with fresh classic tracks.  Skiing should be pretty good today after an icy start although warm snow could cause issues if your wax isn’t spot on.

There was an interesting life and death moment captured this morning with a weasel/ermine popping out of a hole in the Moose Loop area with a nice fresh mouse in his mouth.  Keep your eyes peeled when you’re in his neighborhood, you might get to see him.

Groomer’s choice for today is ski the woods section of the Betty Woolsey Course.