December 22nd Grooming Report-Christmas Week!

December 22nd Grooming Report

Christmas Week!

Hopefully a wonderful and happily busy time is on tap for everyone this week.  The tourists are pouring into town, family members are home for the holidays, and several events are on tap for Trail Creek as well.  The teams will be training this week, albeit in a somewhat different schedule so your normal ski time which might usually be quite quiet could become a festive event.

Speaking of festive events, make sure you make it out for the Betty Woolsey Classic Race and Holiday Bonfire, both coming up next Saturday.

In the world of racing, results have been posted for this weekend’s high school race in Laramie.  While not all of the area high school racers participated this weekend, there were still some admirable showings which can be viewed here.

As of 11:30 AM the sun had not yet made up its mind as to whether or not it was going to put in an appearance today with an undecided sky, the wind was calm, and the temperature was -4ºC/25ºF. Today’s grooming was a Pisten Bully best line pass of almost every trail.  Skate lanes are skiing well and classic tracks are doing pretty well in most places although in a few spots a reset would be nice which is waiting for additional snow forecast this week.

Groomer’s choice for today is Armins.