December 22nd Grooming Report--A Bit Crispy!

December 22nd Grooming Report

A Bit Crispy!

It is a bit of a crispy chilly morning today at Trail Creek, but the temps are way warmer than were forecast.  Predictions were as low as the mid 20’s below zero, but the coldest temperature seen this morning on the cabin weather station was a relatively moderate -17ºF.  The forecast does call for one more night of subzero temperatures before things begin to warm a bit, but a blazing sun is doing a pretty good job of warming things up today.

Thankfully, most of the equipment had no problem starting up today.  The image above is the Pisten Bully that is filling in for a while heading out on the Betty Woolsey Course, leaving a lovely plume of steam on this subzero morning.  The snowmobile also started today and was able to find said course so that our temporary driver knew where to go.  We did have one equipment issue today which was that the chain saw ripcord chose this cold morning to give up the ghost.  The trees that had gone down in yesterday’s wind were only partially taken care of, but we are able to get through on the course, many thanks for the reports.

Up until Monday and the Betty Woolsey Classic Race conditions look favorable and we should be able to put on a great race, make sure you get your registrations in!

Groomer’s choice for today is the Betty Woolsey course.