December 21st Grooming Report--Windy!

December 21st Grooming Report


While the wind can blow at Trail Creek from time to time, today is a pretty extreme example.  Our handy weather report on the Trail Creek page shows gust over 50 mph today which is pretty impressive.  On the positive side, temps are absolutely balmy at 30º F.

Trail Creek Winds

In spite of the wind, grooming has been happening today.  The substitute Pisten Bully has been attempting to find its way around the Betty Woolsey course and some additional snowmobile grooming has been happening in the wildly drifting fields.  If you want to come out and experience a good old fashioned blizzard, today would be a great day to ski.  If you’re looking to set a personal speed record on your skate skis, maybe not so much…

Looking ahead, the winds are supposed to diminish throughout the day with nearly calm conditions tomorrow.  Temps will be quite brutal overnight but by Friday things warm back up with a Betty Woolsey Race day start time forecast of 25ºF with an 8 mph wind, nearly perfect!

Groomer’s choice for today is to relish the magnitude of the weather.