December 19th Grooming Report-Lively Woods!

December 19th Grooming Report

Lively Woods!

A powerful almost Chinook wind is blasting its way down the canyon today, making the forest jump to life.  The conifers are swaying and moaning in the wind and a last few umber aspen leaves are skittering across the snow, but also the animal life has been very active today.  A multitude of squirrels were seen scampering about, a small herd of mule deer does and fawns were spotted near Blowing Colon, and the biggest bull moose (nearly the size of the image below) sighted in some time was wandering in the Woolsey Woods area.  If you are lucky enough to make it out to Trail Creek today, your batteries will surely be recharged!

While all recently groomed trails received Pisten Bully grooming today, about 90% of trails received double Pisten Bully passes with fresh classic tracks.  As of 11:45 AM the temperature is 1ºC/34ºF with a partly cloudy sky and strong winds.  Overnight the forecast five inches of snow came as 1-2 inches of really dense sleet/graupel which actually groomed up very nicely as you can see in the banner image.  Why the camera was having psychedelic hallucinations today is hard to say, but it did make for an interesting image.  Anyway, skiing is simply quite nice today in the woods although the fields are still drifting a bit.  

Groomer’s choice for today is Homesite/Suicide.