December 16th Grooming Report-Sculptures on the Horizon!

December 16th Grooming Report

Sculptures on the Horizon!

Sometime in the last 24 hours a moderate breeze flowed down the canyon and proceeded to move a billion grains of snow, sculpting a lucent array of shapes in white across our very own close field; these shapes passing through the night were bedecked in a diamond array of frost crystals and are now sparkling in today’s brilliant sunshine, just waiting for your appreciation as you partake in your weekend Nordic outing.

While you are out sculpting your body with your Nordic skis today you will encounter at Trail Creek all trails having received fresh best line Pisten Bully skate grooming.  As of 11 AM the sun was intensely shining, the wind a mere whiff, and the temperature warming rapidly through -6ºC/21ºF.  Most classic tracks are in pretty good shape and skating, while a few grouser tracks are showing through, will be quite nice.

Groomer’s choice for today is the Old Pass Road access trail.