I was born here in Jackson and am an alumni of JHSC Nordic, Freeride, and Alpine programs. While Nordic was my main focus through high school, all of these programs allowed me to spend most of my time in the woods, high peaks, and steep slopes that this valley has to offer. All of these sports allowed me to form lifelong friendships with my peers as well as my coaches that I still see in the programs and community. I attended the University of Vermont, which allowed me to experience an entirely different realm of skiing and only further cemented my love and respect for these sports and the places they can take you.
I have now been back in Jackson for the past 4 years, working in local sustainable agriculture, as an arborist, and of course as a member of the coaching staff here at JHSC.
Sport Specific Certifications:
-Wilderness First Aid
-USSS L100
-IFSA 100
Personal Philosophy:
When it comes to access to the outdoors, and the activities that we are all privileged enough to be able to participate in, I have the philosophy of access for ALL. Everyone should be allowed, encouraged, and supported to enjoy and experience what these natural scapes have to offer us. Through support and encouragement, every person should be able to call the mountains home and find their own values from their experiences. What we get to do is incredible and I hope that it can inspire the next generations of skiers to have respect and above all else have FUN!