John Michael McGinn

John Michael was born and raised in Nashville, TN where he was introduced to rock climbing at a young age.  During these early years he competed on a national level in bouldering and sport climbing while also being lucky enough to spend most weekends climbing outside. After college a good friend convinced him moving to Jackson was a good idea even though he had never seen more than a foot of snow in his life. JM immediately fell in love with skiing, especially backcountry skiing and hasn't looked back since.  


John Michael has been lucky enough to ski and climb in places such as the Alps, Canadian Rockies, Morocco, and all over the United States. He guides here in the Tetons as well as Mt Shasta and beyond. He is currently pursuing his AMGA ski and rock guide certifications and is a AAA avalanche instructor.  If he's not walking around the mountains you can find JM working with Slow Food in the Tetons or meandering up backcountry streams in search of cutthroat trout. 
