Atticus Sanders


Years spent with JHSC: 8

Favorite JHSC Memory: Traveling to Whistler, Canada, in 2019 for the Whistler Cup. He says, "It was my first experience in a truly competitive field race and my first time racing out of the country. It was also the first time in my career that I felt like I had truly accomplished something representing the nation!"

Future plans: PG Year!

On what JHSC has taught him over his 8 years, Atticus says, "Persistence is the biggest thing I've learned over my time at JHSC. There are so many adverse conditions and obstacles, and it's rare that things go your way. Keep on your track that you believe will lead you to success. Be open minded to others' thoughts and ideas on how to improve." Alpine Program Director Kristin Waddle says, "Atticus had a passion for ski racing early on! As a young TVST athlete who moved over to the club to further his development and growth, he has worked hard to become an elite student athlete! Atticus had another successful year with a few NorAm starts and qualified for US Nationals at Sun Valley along with the best in the country!"