Alyosha Billimoria


Years spent with JHSC: 8 (Alpine & Nordic)

Favorite JHSC Memory:  The Bend, Oregon camp sophomore year and skiing and joking around with friends

Future plans: University of Hawaii

Alyosha is going to the University of Hawaii in August as an undecided major. He plans on surfing as much as he can!  "The biggest thing JHSC has taught me is the value of friendship. Without the friends I have made through the ski club, I don't know where I would be, but I doubt I would be the person I am today.  Program Director Will Wicherski says, "Alyosha has been a stellar teammate and athlete for JHSC Nordic over the past 6 years. He will take his love of the outdoors to the University of Hawaii where he will study and pursue his passions for board sports and MMA in a completely new environment!"