Wes Barron Scholarship Scramble
September 16, 2024
Septebmer 16th, 2024
Shotgun style golf tournament hosted by JHSC as a fundraiser for the Wes Barron Scholarship Fund.
Each team's starting hole will be announced at registration and teams will work through the course until they have finished all 18 holes.
Wes Barron Scholarship Scramble Team Sign Up Here
Step 1: Grab your business or friends and gather a team of 4 friends/coworkers to make a team
Step 2: Join us September 16th at 1pm
Step 3: Play, compete, have fun!
Where: Jackson Hole Golf & Tennis
Sponsorship Options:
(1) Tee Box Sponsor: $150
(2) Play - Team of 4: $1200