Keane Hultman


Years spent with JHSC: 2

Favorite JHSC Memory: Going to Big Sky with the team. He says, "It was a great time skiing around Big Sky for the first time and being able to have fun with the coaches and athletes at our condo. Super fun time!"

Future plans: California Polytechnic University

On what JHSC has taught him, "I have really learned a lot about how to balance school and skiing. When we go places to ski for competitions, you lose a bit of time in school but being able to manage my time and get stuff done outside of school has been a benefit for sure." Keane also plans on skiing on his college breaks! Freeride Program Director Collin Rehm says, “A huge congratulations to Keane Hultman on his graduation from Jackson Hole Community School (@jhcommunityschool) ! Keane joined Freeride 2 years ago and was immediately one of the strongest skiers and leaders on the team. Keane enjoyed success competing in both Freeride and Slopestyle disciplines. We’re sad to see Keane leave our program, but excited to see where his talents take him at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo.”